easyHotel Plc
Advised this high profile budget hotels group on the implementation of a corporate governance regime on its admission to trading on AIM and ongoing advice thereafter.
Patagonia Gold Plc
Advised the AIM quoted company on its ongoing corporate governance requirements including advising on appropriate board composition, good board practice, the interpretation of its remuneration, audit and nomination committee terms of reference and advising on matters to be reserved for the board.
FTSE 250 Company
Providing corporate governance advice including in relation to establishing procedures and an overseeing committee in relation to inside information requirements and advising in relation to the publishing of analyst consensus forecasts.
Cathay International Holdings
Advised this main market (premium segment) listed China focused conglomerate on the application of the Listing Rules, including the implementation of the new ‘controlling shareholder’ regime.
High profile activist investor
Advised on the requisitioning of general meetings of listed companies.
Corporate governance in employee share plans
Providing ongoing advice to a variety of clients on the corporate governance aspects of employee incentives, including the application of the IMA principles of remuneration, the UK Corporate Governance Code, AIM Rules, Listing Rules and Model Code.
Remuneration policies and reporting requirements
Advising several FTSE 250 clients on their reporting obligations pursuant to the directors’ remuneration regulations and advising financial services clients on compliance with the extensive regulation relating to remuneration policies and structures.